Last night, some of us girls met at Christy's house to have happy hour while watching the sunset. Not to be a complete wine snob, but they served Barefoot wine (not the nice bottle I brought), and let's just say that as much as I would've enjoyed opening my bottle, I could barely choke down my glass of wine. Eh. The thought of it still sends shivers down my spine. At least the company was good.
Cameras just do not do nature scenes justice.
We visited this pizza place that's tucked in next to a gas station and doesn't look very appealing from the outside. Everyone has said something about it, though, and I'm glad we went. The pizza was good, and the views over the bay and city were beautiful.
There was a clearer picture of us, but my face shall I put this.....terrifying to look at. Yes, I am wearing heels. How was I to know we would walk over a mile to reach this place?