Saturday, August 23, 2014

Girly Girl

  I'm a wee bit embarrassed to admit this, but I do believe people may start thinking of me as a girly girl.  Two things happened yesterday that lead me to believe this:
1.  A student asked if I had a lot of clothes.  When I laughed, told her no and asked why, she replied that I still hadn't worn the same thing to school yet.  I know Jill would be proud of me at this moment, but I think I may have over-packed, especially since I probably have another week's worth of clothes before the cycle begins again.  
2.  I went with another girl last night to get a pedicure.  That's normal, right?  I didn't want my heels looking all rough when there's not a good excuse to not have them done (like it's too expensive).  Well, I ended up getting a manicure, too.  To some, this would not be such a big deal, but I haven't had nail polish on my nails for at least ten years, and even now, my fingers feel heavy.  The most disturbing issue is the fact that I'm kind of liking the splash of color.  Plus, I had another friend invite me over to her place today to get my nails done by her lady.  Since I was already getting them done, I told her next time, which means my mani isn't a one-time thing.  Ahhhh!!!  Did I mention that getting both costs just ten bucks?  hehehehehehehehe


1 comment:

  1. Being a little girly is ok especially since you are, in fact, a girl. I wouldn't worry about it too much though. You are still the same girl who didn't totally freak out when you got that leech stuck on your boob. Also, when the two banditos with the machete attacked me on the hill, you did try to pull them off me. So, I would say you are pretty badass - for a girly girl.
