Warning: If you have a sensitive stomach, refrain from reading this until you are done eating.
This morning started off beautifully: bright sun, birds chirping, another day off of school. What could possibly go wrong?
While cooking myself breakfast (yes, I have actually started cooking for myself on occasion), I noticed a dead bat on the small balcony by my kitchen table. I rarely ever go out there and prefer to use my spacious patio instead, so I have no idea how long the bat had been there. Since dead things don't bother me all that much, I decided to wait until after I had eaten to pick the poor thing up.
Minding my own business and simply enjoying a crossword puzzle, I looked down to see an army of maggots, that's right: I said maggots, intruding beneath the patio door. Are you kidding me?! Obviously, the delicious aroma of my breakfast had tempted them to risk their lives.
Sweeping up the surprisingly fast, carcass-loving worms with a paper towel, I threw them and the bat in a plastic bag and sent them down the chute to the unsuspecting porteros.
The odd and rather troublesome issue is that the bat had not one maggot on it. Ummmm....where did they all come from? The only other thing on the balcony is a large, potted plant. I have no idea what is in that pot, but the balcony still reeked an hour later as I was continually catching and throwing the maggots down to the street below. Do you know what scrambled eggs look like after dealing with a situation like this?
The worst part: I was gone for several hours after this whole ordeal and came home to an open balcony door (obviously the maggots' doing). Now I'm just dreading being eaten alive by these devious creatures tonight in my bed.