Friday, May 1, 2015

Buggin' It

Some nights ago, I was getting ready for bed and happened to notice something dropping off the shower ceiling behind me.  Filled with dread, I turned around to see what it was; lo and behold, there was a very alive, giant roach (with perfectly working wings) climbing up the walls.  Not again.

Not wanting the beautiful thing to die in the hands of the poison that still taints my apartment, I did what any person would do: catch and release.  Although it took me a few tries, and I had to stand on a chair to get him, we eventually came to an understanding, and he calmly walked into my trap.

This is my lunch Tupperware for school.

Of course, I couldn't have Roach in my apartment again, so I took him a few floors down and released him on the stairs, wishing him luck on surviving.  Unfortunately, there was a mishap as I was trying to get him out of the Tupperware, and his leg came off in the process.  My only consolation is that roaches seem to live through just about anything, so I am sure my new friend would be okay with one less leg.

Notice the leg hanging from the top tab.

Speaking of roaches, do you remember back in November when I posted about a roach being stuck in the broken molding of my bathroom?  Well, the piece still has not been fixed, and the roach is still there, looking lovelier than ever.  Now, the humidity here is rather high, and mold grows quickly.  Why, then, has the roach not decomposed?  It is utterly fascinating to me.  (Click on the pictures to enlarge; you will still see leg hairs.)

Finally, a few days later, I woke up in the morning to see that Bella had smashed the life out of this giant cricket...right in my living room.  The ants were already going to town on the poor thing's body.  

I can't wait to see what pops up next!


  1. You used your lunch Tupperware to catch a roach??????

    1. Of course! The leg just added extra crunch to my meal the next day. Hehehehehehehe.

  2. Beverly Brennan = The Roach Whisperer
