Sunday, February 21, 2016

Middle School Soccer Matches

For two weeks, the middle school boys battled to prove who is the best at soccer.  There were two teams each for sixth, seventh and eighth grade.  The games took place in the coliseum during lunch, and since I know all but a few of the boys, I went every day to cheer them on.

During most games, I was joined by these three sixth-grade girls: Juli F., Ale and Juli R.  They were able to give me the ins and outs of soccer while at the same time providing many minute details of their lives.  It was great fun.

As everyone probably knows, soccer is huge here, and passions tend to run rather high.  This was no exception for the middle schoolers.  Holy cow: these kids are intense, and at times, I thought a fight was going to break out, making the whole experience that much more exciting.  I see these guys every day in class, so it was a real treat to view different sides to their personalities.

Many times, the games started without a P.E. teacher there to referee, but the boys kept themselves honest and played anyway.  It amazes me there were no broken bones because the hits and falls they took on the hard floor looked and sounded like they hurt...bad...real bad.  There were amazing goals and just as amazing blocks from the goalies.  Plus, most of the teams were reasonably good at passing and allowed everyone to be a part of the team.

The seventh-grade boys were at every game crowding the sidelines and heckling the teams.
Although I am not supposed to have favorites, I was rooting for my 7A class to win.  Their games were the most intense, and they put their hearts and souls into winning.  It was 7A and an eighth grade team that made it into the finals.  The game was neck and neck with a score of one-to-one.  Unfortunately, eighth grade scored three penalty kicks, while seventh scored two.  Luckily, almost all the seventh graders were there to support them.

My only hope now is to be invited to some of the professional games when these boys make it into the big leagues.

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