Sunday, August 24, 2014

A Bike Ride

After church today, I met up with Christy and Leah to rent some bikes and explore the city.  Sundays are the best because the traffic isn't quite as deathly as on the other days.  

 This is the bay area where all the cruise and cargo ships dock.  
 I would like to say that I got a ton of exercise for the hour and a half we were riding, but a snake could've figured out a way to pedal faster.  It was a lot of fun, though, and we stopped at a homemade popsicle place to refresh ourselves. 
 It was a beautiful day.  I'm sorry I didn't take a picture of the ocean because the water was torquoise and clean, probably from the rains we had yesterday.  

We watched these guys throw their net into a huge circle and begin to pull it in.  Quite often, I see guys doing this from my apartment.  I'm not sure how many fish they catch each round because the bus always picks me up before they pull the whole net in.  

Once we dropped off the bikes, we headed to Crepes and Waffles to eat a late lunch.  We sat outside in the shade, but as time went on, I was covered in full sun.  Needless to say, one could call me Rudolph now.  


  1. Again with the talk of food! Methinks I like pictures with the chatter! I want to see what homemade popsicles and yummy waffles and crepes look like. And, I want to hear all about what your maid whipped up for you today!

  2. By the way, should we get baskets on our bikes here at home, Bev? That way we could make stops on our rides; maybe pick up some groceries (in my bike shorts, hehehehe!). It's nice to see that you're still slim and svelte; very lovely as usual!

    1. I was thinking baskets on our bikes would be perfect, Mama! We could help the environment while getting exercise. The bike shorts will have to go, though; I think we both know why. :)
