Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A Bit of Bragging

   I'm sorry!  I just can't help it!  I must share what I came home to today.  In the future, I will try to limit the food pictures (unless there's something so magnificent/disgusting that I must post it).  

    Last week, my maid tells me that she gets bored cooking just rice and veggies and would love to do the shopping and cook me something with a bit more flavor.  How could I resist?  Well, it was a good call on my part because here are my meals for the next week.  Starting from the left is salad (even has cooked mushrooms and peppers in it), homemade dressing, plantains marinated in who knows what (incredibly sweet and tasty), tender, marinated beef, coconut rice, and of course, a huge Tupperware of fruit.  All of it is absolutely delicious, which is a huge problem because I want to continue eating even after I'm full.  Oh, the problems of my life.  


  1. Okay, seriously, Beverly, ask her what she's doing in two years!!!! She can live with one of us and split her time between yours and our house. Or better yet, if you live back at home, she won't have to move around so much!! ;) It really looks fabulous!

  2. Hey, I was just saying I'm getting tired of cooking for me and Spencer because he eats so dang much. Its time I shipped him to Columbia. You need help, girl, or you will be HUGE by the time you get back home! He has a hollow leg designed for just these sorts of dining experiences (meaning too much to eat!)
